28 July 2009

Blog education

I learned something new today about blogging! I originally set up this blog with an email address I figured Ryan and I could share, thinking we'd just have to write our names at the end of each post to specify who had written it. But apparently we can post separately, with our own names, linked to our own email addresses. I'm not sure how that will work for Ryan, since he uses yahoo and not gmail (and blogspot is in cahoots with gmail and google), but we'll figure it out. I'm curious as to whether this links to my other blog...

Anyhow, I really don't have anything interesting to say today. I just thought I should write something. :)

My grandpa McGuire sent me this video today, and while I'm not sure it's real, I find it hilarious:


Unfortunately I forgot to take a video this weekend with our new video camera! Oops!

Have a great day! :)