I do apologize for the absence!

Since I last wrote, Ryan and I have added a new member to our soon-to-be-combined family; allow me to introduce to you Miss Hermione Jean McMurray Currens. Yes, she is named after Hermione from Harry Potter. Yes, we're dorks. ;) This picture was taken of her by my sister, Katie, the day after we picked her up from Ryan's cousin, Sarah. That was 2 weeks ago and my, has she grown! She is increasingly adorable, and I love taking her on walks! I get stopped by 90% of the people we pass... they all want to pet and hold her. I feel a bit like Santa Claus... bringing joy into people's lives. She is on a really cute kick at the moment where she picks up every stick she comes across and carries it until she sees a new stick to pick up and carry. This is far cuter than the cigarette butts she was in the habit of picking up previously.
In other news, Ryan and I met with the Pastor (David) from Dayton Avenue Presbyterian Church today. David has happily agreed to marry us and today was the first of several meeting/marriage counselling sessions. He's a great guy and was excited to learn of all our little connections. He is an Eagle Scout, like Ryan, and his church is very active in social justice movements, which appeals to me. Two weeks ago was "Animal Sunday" (or something like that) at DAPC and we brought Hermione and Perry-dog (Ryan's guinea pig) to church. They were a big hit with the congregation, and being our first week there, our cute little pets really helped us to meet the other parishoners. The meeting itself was great: we talked about ourselves, learned about the history of DAPC (cool... but that's a tale for another post) and started to discuss the wedding. It was really nice and relaxed and comfortable... a great start to the process!
I hope to sort of hijack this blog for more crafting purposes, and my plan is to get some pictures of my works in progress up tonight (after I finish quilting my Mom's belated birthday quilt... oops!). I love reading craft blogs (especially quilting blogs), but I always feel a little bit voyeuristic reading other people's blogs without sharing my own. So... that's my plan! :)